
This page contains all the projects I had build till now. All projects have a dedicated page about them, which contains other relevant details about the project.

These projects are developed by using JAVASCRIPT, PYTHON, HTML, CSS, JAVA. There are some projects based on Arduino UNO as well.

Arduino UNO based Projects:

  • Equation_Solver: This is an Arduino UNO Based project. It is basically an LCD game that is able to solve mathematical equations. The whole project is written in C++ which demonstrates how to control the work in data transmission.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Equation_solver

  • Voice Control Car: This is a robot car that is able to recieve the input data as a voice through mobile application. The whole code is written in C++ . Also include features to add noise to the car and randomly eliminate packets from the medium.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Arduino-Voice-Control_Car

  • Room Temperature Controller: Temperature controller is the prime requirement of any processing or manufacturing or chemical or textile industry. The required temperature is set using temperature setting device like potentiometer. The temperature senses actual temperature. The controlling device like micro controller, takes both these temperatures as inputs and display them on display device. It compares actual temperature with set temperature. If actual temperature is higher or lower than require set temperature then it gives signal to temperature controlling device to increase or decrease the temperature and thus it tries to maintain the temperature within required limit. So all these are basic building blocks of temperature controller system. The given project is a demonstration of such system. It uses LM35 as temperature sensor and DC motor as a fan as a temperature controlling device. It utilizes Arduino board as controlling device and ATMega328 as a micro controller. It uses 16x4 LCD panel to display actual temperature, set temperature and other message and notifications. Also it has LEDs for indications and speaker for audio alarm.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Room_temperature_Controller

Web Apps and PWAs

  • Master Clock: This is an animated analog clock that is able to show GTC Local time Date, Month, Yea, and Location. The whole code is written in JavaScript

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Master Clock

  • Text_Analyzer: This is a project based on JavaScript. When a user inputs the paragraph written by him, this will find out the plagiarism percentage and number of words he/she have written.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here:Text_analyzer

  • Scientific Calculator : : A simple scientific calculator by using html , css and java .It is used to calculate the math functions easily. In this application two types of calculator are there 1. standard calculator 2. scientific calculator first one is very simple to solve arithmetic operations. And also convert the result into either integer or float pointing number. And then second one is scientific notation type math functions are there like sin.cos, tan,log etc. it is very useful to solve the odd math calculations in less time and in simple manner and also easily to use.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: ScientificCalculator

  • Google Book Search API: Google Books has a mission to digitize the world's book content and make it more discoverable on the Web. The Books API is a way to search and access that content, as well as to create and view personalization around that content. Every request your application sends to the Books API needs to identify your application to Google. There are two ways to identify your application: using an OAuth 2.0 token (which also authorizes the request) and/or using the application's API key. Here's how to determine which of those options to use : If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an individual's private data), then the application must provide an OAuth 2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to. If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for you.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Google-Book_Search-API

  • Food-Search_API : This is one of the cool project I have made. I personally like this .😁 This API has 70k+ recipes. You just need to search the recipe in the search bar. The whole project is made in JS.
    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Food-Search-API

Open Cv/ Deep-Learning:

  • Covid_19 Mask detector: This project was built with python. This is a real-time system to detect whether the person on the webcam is wearing a mask or not. This project trined the face mask detector model using Keras and OpenCV. This convolution network consists of two pairs of Conv and MaxPool layers to extract features from the dataset. This is then followed by a Flatten and Dropout layer to convert the data in 1D and ensure overfitting.

    Check Out the Whole Project Here: Mask-Detector  

Mobile Application:

  • Tic-Tac-Toe Game: This is the 1st project I have made on Android Studio. This was made in Java to demonstrate. It also keeps in sync with other nodes running in the cluster to ensure that all the machines running on the cluster are always in sync with each other.

    Check Out the Whole Code Here: Tic-Tac-Toe Game